The Three Trimesters of Pregnancy – Mother’s Care at Nyle Hospital
Pregnancy is one of the forgettable events in the life of a woman. It lasts for about 40 weeks right from the next day of woman’s last menstruation. The total gestational period is divided into 3 trimesters as follows:
First Trimester (1 to 12 Weeks)
During the 1st trimester a woman’s body experiences many changes. All organ systems of the body are influenced by the hormonal changes. Such changes lead to certain symptoms such as:
Intense tiredness
Tender and swollen breasts
Mood swings
Stomach upset (morning sickness)
Craving for specific food and dislike for some
Frequent urination and constipation
Headache and heartburn
Weight gain or sometimes loss
As per the body condition, woman must make some changes in the daily routine, such as early sleep, eating small meals periodically and drinking more fluids. These discomforts will not be the same for all women and may go off or reduce upon progression, during the start of 2nd trimester.
Second Trimester (13 to 28 Weeks)
Generally, women feel that 2nd trimester is better than the 1st stage. During this period, symptoms such as nausea and fatigue may reduce to great extent or completely stop. However, mother can notice other signs such as expansion of abdomen due to baby’s growth. At the end of this trimester, women can feel the movement of baby inside the uterus. The predominant changes in woman due to baby’s development include:
Body aches, including groin, thigh, abdomen or back pain
Darkening of area around nipples
Stretch marks on thighs, buttocks, breasts or abdomen
A formation of skin line starting from belly button until pubic hairline
Dark skin patches over the forehead, cheeks, upper lip or nose. Patches seen on both sides of the face is termed as mask of pregnancy
Carpal tunnel syndrome (tingling or numbed hands)
Swelling of the face, fingers, legs and ankles
Itching on the palms, foot and abdomen
Note: If there is loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting or jaundice along with itching, and sudden or intense swelling and quick weight gain, immediately seek medical advice as there may be possibility for liver infection or preeclampsia respectively.
Third Trimester (29 – 40 Weeks)
The discomforts of the 2nd trimester may continue in this period too. In addition, many women have difficulty in breathing and frequent urination. This indicates that the baby is growing bigger and putting pressure on the organs such as bladder and lungs.
Some of the changes witnessed during the 3rd trimester are as follows:
Shorting of breath
Swelling of the face, fingers, legs and ankles
Tendering of breasts with watery leak of pre-milk called colostrum
Discomfort in sleep or loss of sleep
Dropping or moving of baby towards the lower abdomen
Sometimes contractions may occur indicating false or real labour
Upon nearing of the due date, effacing happens which is nothing but thinning and softening of cervix. This is a natural process facilitating easy opening of birth canal on the onset of labour. The doctor visits will be increased when the due date is not far apart. Abdominal and vaginal examination will be done during each visit.